Multi-Factor Authentication configuration

This document describes how to configure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for the auth.login API method.

The prerequisite for this is to have:

Depending on your communication service capabilities, you will either use the single or the challenge-verify mode.

Table of contents

  1. Flow
    1. Setup
    2. Usage
    3. Deactivation and recovery
  2. Modes
  3. Configuration
    1. Template
    2. User data
    3. Parameters
      1. url
      2. method
      3. body
      4. headers
  4. Single
    1. Single template
    2. Single user data
  5. Challenge-Verify mode
    1. Challenge-Verify template
    2. Challenge-Verify user data
  6. References


You will need to define a template for the API call(s) that will be made to your communication service. The user-specific values that will be substituted in the template will be stored in the user’s private profile.


MFA must be activated per user account. You can implement this in your onboarding flow or at a later time.
After obtaining a personal token from an auth.login API call, you must call the activate MFA API method, providing the user’s MFA data. This will trigger the challenge sent to the user.

You should confirm MFA activation by sending the obtained challenge in the payload which will be substituted in the related template. If confirmation is successful, the MFA data provided at activation is saved in the user’s private profile, alongside recoveryCodes which you receive for later deactivation.


Once MFA has been activated for an account, you will receive a mfaToken each time you perform a Login user API call. You will use it to Trigger the MFA challenge where data saved in the private profile will be sent to your communication service.
You will send the received challenge the same way you did for confirmation, but this time using the verify MFA challenge route.

Deactivation and recovery

You may deactivate MFA using a personal token on the deactivate MFA API method. If you have lost access to your 2nd factor such as phone or email, you can also use the recover MFA route to deactivate it using one of the codes


The single mode is meant when your communication service only supports sending messages. If it supports creating a challenge and verifying it, you can also use challenge-verify.

In single mode, the MFA service generates a secret code, sends it to your communication service upon activation and challenge, then verifies it itself during confirmation and verification.

In challenge-verify mode, the MFA service makes an HTTP request to your communication service to generate and send a code then forwards it during verification.

The templates are to be set either directly through the platform settings configuration file platform.yml or through the admin panel.



For single and challenge-verify mode, you will have to define how endpoints will be contacted. The configuration for an endpoint looks like this:

url: '{{ language }}'
method: 'POST'
body: '{"phone":"{{ phone }}"}'
  authorization: 'Bearer: YOUR-COMMUNICATION-SERVER-API-KEY'
  'content-type': 'application/json'

User data

When activating MFA for a user account, variables provided in the request body at activation will be saved in the user’s account. They look like this:

  "language": "en",
  "phone": "41791231212"



You can provide the URL, with the query parameters here as a string. Variables are substituted in the string.


The HTTP method, currently supports HTTP POST and GET methods.


The request body that will be sent, provided as a string. Variables are substituted in the string.


The request headers that will be sent in the HTTP request. Variables are substituted in the values of these headers.
As the request body is a string, you will have to provide the corresponding content-type header.


For single mode, you can provide a {{ code }} variable which will be substituted with a code generated by the MFA service.
The example hereafter, stores the message in the user-specific data, where {{ code }} substitution also works.

Single template

The configuration for single mode describes the HTTP request made by the MFA service during activation and challenge. It looks like this in the platform.yml file:

  url: '{{ message }}&emetteur=Pryv%20Lab&numero={{ number }}'
  method: 'GET'

or in the admin panel:

  "single": {
    "url": "{{ message }}&emetteur=Pryv%20Lab&numero={{ number }}",
    "method": "GET"

Single user data

with the following user data sent during activation:

  "message":"Your%20Pryv%20Lab%20MFA%20code%20is%3A%20{{ code }}"

Note that the message Your Pryv Lab MFA code is: {{ code }} has been URL encoded as it will appear in query parameters, but the {{ code }} variable is kept as-is since it must be substituted by the Pryv MFA service.

and confirmation / verification:

  "code": "12345"

Challenge-Verify mode

Challenge-Verify template

The configuration for challenge-verify mode describes the HTTP requests made by the MFA service during activation and challenge under challenge and confirmation and verification under verify. It looks like this in the platform.yml file:

The template looks like this in the platform.yml file:

  url: ''
  method: 'POST'
  body: '{"phone_number":"{{ number }}"}'
    authorization: 'Bearer: your-api-key'
    'content-type': 'application/json'
  url: ''
  method: 'POST'
  body: '{"phone_number":"{{ number }}","code":"{{ code }}"}'
    authorization: 'Bearer: your-api-key'
    'content-type': 'application/json'

or in the admin panel:

  "challenge": {
    "url": "",
    "method": "POST",
    "body": "{\"phone_number\":\"{{ number }}\"}",
    "headers": {
      "authorization": "Bearer: your-api-key",
      "content-type": "application/json"
  "verify": {
    "url": "",
    "method": "POST",
    "body": "{\"phone_number\":\"{{ number }}\",\"code\":\"{{ code }}\"}",
    "headers": {
      "authorization": "Bearer: your-api-key",
      "content-type": "application/json"

Challenge-Verify user data

with the following user data sent during activation:


and confirmation / verification:

  "code": "12345"


The aforementionned examples use working templates and user data for: