Single-node to Cluster extension

This guide describes how to migrate a single-node installation from a source machine to multiple dest machines in a cluster setup.

Table of contents

  1. (Optional) Create user(s) with specific data on source for post-migration verification
  2. Adapt platform parameters
  3. Migrate register master
  4. Replace config by cluster
  5. Migrate user data to core machine

(Optional) Create user(s) with specific data on source for post-migration verification

Generate a few events and streams by hand for a naked eye comparison for data transferred after the migration.

Adapt platform parameters

Fetch cluster configuration files for the same version here. Extract them, and edit the config-leader/conf/template-platform.yml (platform.yml for versions prior to 1.7).

The difference between a single and cluster lies in the “Machines and platform settings” section.

  1. Copy the DOMAIN

  2. Set the IP addresses for the new machines, leave unused ones as-is:


  4. Set the IP address of the machine where core data will be migrated to HOSTINGS_AND_CORES:value:hosting1:co1:ip

  5. Set the HOSTINGS_PROVIDERS data if needed

You can overwrite the other sections with the ones from your platform.yml

Migrate register master

  1. Perform the register migration for the reg-master machine

Replace config by cluster

  1. On dest reg-master, download and untar config files for a cluster deployment of same version
  2. Replace or copy the config-leader/conf/platform.yml file with the one you prepared earlier
  3. Copy the SSL certificates from config-leader/data/singlenode/nginx/conf/secret/ to each new $ROLE in config-leader/data/${ROLE}/nginx/conf/secret/
  4. On dest reg-master run: restart-config-follower and restart-pryv

Migrate user data to core machine

  1. Perform the core migration